French Crepes: Unleash Your Inner Gourmet with Delicate Delights

These French crepes are thin, delicate, and delicious, excellent for breakfast or dessert.

Indulge in a taste of French elegance and culinary mastery with these heavenly French crepes – a delicate, thin delight that will transport your taste buds to the enchanting streets of Paris or the charming countryside of Brittany. Whether you’re craving a delectable breakfast treat or a luscious dessert, this easy-to-follow recipe will guide you through creating the perfect crepes, leaving you longing for more with every bite. Get ready to embark on a culinary adventure that will elevate your breakfasts and desserts to a whole new level of sophistication and bliss.

Ways to Make French Crepes

When it comes to French crepes, the possibilities are endless. Sweet crepes, typically made with wheat flour, can be enjoyed as a delightful breakfast or a delectable dessert. Indulge your sweet tooth with a variety of fillings that range from classic hazelnut cocoa spread, preserves, and sugar to the tantalizing flavors of maple syrup, golden syrup, lemon juice, whipped cream, fruit spreads, custard, and a medley of sliced soft fruits or confiture. Each bite is a symphony of flavors that will leave you craving more.

On the savory side, crepes take a different turn with non-wheat flours such as buckwheat. These savory crepes offer a gluten-free alternative, perfect for those with wheat allergies or gluten intolerances. While a typical savory crepe recipe may still include wheat flour, the omission of sugar transforms them into a savory delight. Imagine savoring a crepe filled with an array of savory fillings, including cheese, ham, and eggs, or perhaps the rustic flavors of ratatouille, mushrooms, artichoke (in certain regions), and various mouthwatering meat products. The savory crepe experience is a culinary journey that brings together textures, flavors, and aromas that will transport you to the heart of French cuisine.

Whether you prefer the sweetness of a dessert crepe or the savory indulgence of a meal, French crepes offer a versatile canvas for your culinary creativity. Explore the delightful world of crepes and embark on a gastronomic adventure that will captivate your taste buds and leave you yearning for more. With a multitude of fillings and flavors to explore, French crepes are sure to satisfy your cravings and elevate your dining experience to new heights.

How to Store French Crepes

Proper storage of your delicate French crepes is essential to maintain their freshness and texture. Follow these simple steps to refrigerate and freeze your crepes, ensuring that they are ready to be enjoyed whenever you desire.

When refrigerating your crepes, start by stacking them carefully, one on top of another. To prevent them from drying out or sticking together, wrap the stacked crepes tightly in either foil or plastic wrap. This protective layer will shield them from air and moisture, keeping them fresh for up to two or three days in the refrigerator. When you’re ready to serve or fill the crepes, it’s important to let them stand at room temperature for about an hour. This allows them to regain their softness and flexibility, ensuring a delightful dining experience.

If you want to extend the shelf life of your crepes, freezing is an excellent option. Before freezing, it’s crucial to separate each crepe layer with wax paper. This prevents them from sticking together and makes it easier to retrieve individual crepes as needed. Once they are carefully separated, place the crepes in a tightly sealed container to protect them from freezer burn and maintain their quality. When you’re ready to enjoy your frozen crepes, simply thaw them in the refrigerator overnight or at room temperature for a few hours, and they will be ready to be filled or served.

By following these storage guidelines, you can savor the deliciousness of French crepes anytime, whether you have a few leftovers from a previous batch or you want to make a larger batch in advance for future enjoyment.

History of the French Crepe

French crepes have a rich and intriguing history that is steeped in folklore and tradition. One popular tale from French folklore recounts the serendipitous origins of crepes. According to the story, in the 13th century, a housewife in Brittany was preparing buckwheat porridge over a fireplace. In a moment of misfortune, she accidentally spilled some of the porridge onto a flat cooking stone. Rather than discarding it, she decided to cook it and discovered that the result was a thin, delicate pancake – the precursor to the modern-day crepe. This “happy accident” gave birth to a culinary delight that has since become a beloved French delicacy.

Interestingly, the tradition of crepes goes even further back in history. Around 800 years earlier, in the year 472, Roman Pope Gelasius I introduced crepes to French pilgrims who were visiting Rome to celebrate Chandeleur, a Christian holiday also known as Candlemas. The pilgrims were so enamored with the delectable treat that they brought it back to France, where it quickly became a cherished culinary tradition. Along with the crepes, the pilgrims also brought back a superstition associated with the preparation of crepes. It was believed that by holding a coin in one’s left hand while flipping a crepe in a pan with the right hand, the person would be blessed with wealth and prosperity for the entire year.

These tales of accidental discoveries and ancient traditions add a touch of enchantment to the art of making and enjoying French crepes. As you savor the delicate texture and delightful flavors of these pancakes, you can also appreciate the centuries-old history and superstitions that have shaped the crepe culture in France.

The City of Rennes, France

Located in northwest France, Rennes proudly stands as the capital city of Brittany, captivating visitors with its charming blend of history and culture. The city’s picturesque streets are adorned with medieval half-timbered houses, while the magnificent Rennes Cathedral stands as a testament to its architectural splendor. Nature enthusiasts can find solace in Parc du Thabor, where a delightful rose garden and an enchanting aviary await. Art aficionados can explore the Musée des Beaux-arts, showcasing masterpieces by renowned artists such as Botticelli, Rubens, and Picasso. The cultural hub of Champs Libres beckons with the Musée de Bretagne, offering insights into the region’s heritage, and the Espace des Sciences, where a captivating planetarium awaits to unveil the mysteries of the universe. Rennes truly embodies the essence of Brittany, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in its rich history, artistic treasures, and natural beauty.

Rennes City Skyline
Rennes City Skyline

History of Rennes, France

Rennes, the capital city of Brittany in northwest France, boasts a vibrant history that spans centuries. The city’s origins can be traced back to the Roman era when it served as a strategic center for communication in the Armorica province. Under Roman occupation, Rennes flourished as an important hub for trade and governance.

During the Middle Ages, Rennes competed with Nantes for the position of the capital city of the dukes of Brittany. The city experienced periods of growth and prosperity, with the construction of notable landmarks such as the grand Rennes Cathedral. However, like many cities in Europe, Rennes endured its fair share of challenges, including outbreaks of plague and conflicts during the Hundred Years’ War.

In the 20th century, Rennes witnessed significant upheaval during World War II. The city suffered heavy damage from German air raids during the German assault on France. Later, it was targeted by bombings carried out by the US and Royal Air Forces. Despite the devastation, Rennes emerged as a resilient city and embarked on extensive post-war rebuilding and development plans.

In recent decades, Rennes has experienced remarkable growth and transformation. With a focus on urban planning and modernization, the city has become one of the fastest-growing in France. Its population has surged, and Rennes has evolved into a thriving cultural and educational center. The city’s renowned university, along with its vibrant arts scene, innovative industries, and exceptional quality of life, contribute to Rennes’ reputation as a dynamic and captivating destination.

Tourism in Rennes, France

Rennes, France, offers a captivating destination for tourists seeking a blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. The city’s charm lies in its well-preserved medieval architecture, enchanting cobblestone streets, and a plethora of cultural attractions. A leisurely stroll through the city reveals majestic facades, trendy restaurants, and designer boutiques, all contributing to a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere. Visitors can explore the historic heart of Rennes, with its half-timbered houses, and immerse themselves in the rich heritage of the city.

One of the highlights of Rennes is the Parc du Thabor, a delightful green oasis in the heart of the city. This picturesque park features beautifully manicured gardens, tranquil ponds, and a stunning rose garden, creating a serene setting for relaxation and contemplation. Additionally, the park is home to an aviary, where visitors can observe a variety of bird species in their natural habitat. Nature enthusiasts and families alike will find joy in exploring the verdant expanses of Parc du Thabor.

Rennes also boasts a thriving arts and culture scene. The Musée des Beaux-arts, located south of the Vilaine River, houses an impressive collection of artworks by renowned masters such as Botticelli, Rubens, and Picasso. Art enthusiasts will be captivated by the diverse range of styles and periods represented in the museum’s exhibitions. For those with a keen interest in the region’s heritage, the Champs Libres cultural center is a must-visit. It is home to the Musée de Bretagne (Brittany Museum), where visitors can delve into the rich history, traditions, and cultural identity of Brittany. The center also features the Espace des Sciences, a fascinating space dedicated to scientific exploration, complete with a planetarium that offers captivating astronomical experiences. With its wealth of cultural offerings, Rennes provides a truly immersive and rewarding experience for tourists seeking to discover the unique charm of this captivating city.

The Cuisine of Rennes, France

The cuisine of Rennes, France, is a delectable reflection of the region’s rich culinary traditions and agricultural abundance. Renowned for its crepes and galettes, Rennes offers a gastronomic experience that combines simplicity, quality ingredients, and exquisite flavors. Galettes, savory buckwheat crepes, are a specialty of the region and are often filled with eggs, meat, or a delightful combination of vegetables and cheese. The use of buckwheat flour not only adds a distinct nutty flavor but also makes galettes a gluten-free option, catering to various dietary preferences.

In addition to galettes, Rennes is celebrated for its sweet crepes. These thin, delicate pancakes are a versatile canvas for a variety of fillings. Indulge in the classic combination of a sweet spread such as hazelnut cocoa, fruit preserves, or a sprinkle of sugar. For those with a penchant for a touch of richness, maple syrup and golden syrup add an extra layer of decadence. The crepes can be further enhanced with a drizzle of lemon juice, dollops of whipped cream, or a medley of sliced soft fruits. With endless possibilities, the sweet crepes of Rennes offer a delightful treat that caters to every palate.

The culinary heritage of Rennes extends beyond crepes and galettes. The city takes pride in its locally sourced ingredients, reflecting the bounty of Brittany’s land and sea. Seafood plays a prominent role in Rennes’ cuisine, with oysters, mussels, and fish taking center stage in many traditional dishes. The coastal proximity ensures the freshness and quality of these delicacies. Furthermore, Rennes is known for its dairy products, particularly its rich and creamy butter, which lends a distinctive flavor to many dishes. The region’s farms also produce exceptional cheeses, including the beloved Camembert and Pont-l’Évêque.

To truly experience the cuisine of Rennes, a visit to the local crêperies and restaurants is a must. These establishments showcase the artistry and culinary skills of the local chefs, offering an array of crepes, galettes, and other regional specialties. Whether you find yourself in a quaint crêperie tucked in the medieval streets of Rennes or a bustling restaurant in the heart of the city, the cuisine of Rennes promises a memorable dining experience filled with authentic flavors and a true taste of the region’s gastronomic heritage.

How to Make French Crepes Like a Barbarian

To create these delectable French crepes, a high-quality skillet is essential. Personally, I find that porcelain-lined skillets work wonders for crepe-making due to their exceptional non-stick properties. These skillets ensure that your delicate crepes effortlessly slide off the surface, resulting in perfectly cooked creations. Investing in a porcelain-lined skillet and properly caring for it will make it your trusted companion in the kitchen for a lifetime of crepe-making adventures.

For optimal mixing of the ingredients, it is crucial to allow them to reach room temperature before embarking on the crepe-making process. Allowing the eggs, butter, sugar, flour, milk, water, vanilla, and salt to come to room temperature ensures that they blend harmoniously, resulting in a smooth and consistent crepe batter. This step allows the flavors to meld together seamlessly and promotes even cooking. So, be sure to let the ingredients temper before diving into the culinary magic of crepe-making.

When it comes to the heat level for cooking the crepes, medium to medium-high heat is generally recommended. However, the exact temperature may vary depending on your stove’s settings and the type of skillet you’ve chosen. It’s important to find the right balance to achieve the perfect crepe texture. Adjust the heat as needed throughout the cooking process to ensure that the crepes cook evenly and acquire that lovely golden hue. With a well-heated skillet and precise heat management, you’ll master the art of creating flawless crepes that will impress both your taste buds and those lucky enough to enjoy your culinary creations.

Ingredients Needed to Make French Crepes


  • 1 Mixing Bowl
  • 1 Skillet
  • 1 Spatula


For the Crepes:
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup butter melted
  • 2 1/2 tbsp sugar
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/8 cup water
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • a tiny dash of salt
For the Filling:
  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 2-4 tbsp powdered sugar to taste
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • fresh strawberry slices

How to Cook French Crepes

Time needed: 20 minutes

French Crepes Cooking Directions

  1. Whisk the Batter

    Whisk all the ingredients, except the flour, together. Add in the flour, a little bit at a time, whisking just until the flour has been mixed in.

  2. Rest the Batter

    Let the crepe batter rest for 10 minutes. Then, give the batter a quick whisk again before using it.

  3. Preheat the Skillet

    Grease a non-stick, 6″ skillet with unsalted butter and heat over medium heat. Pour about 2-3 tablespoons worth of batter into the pan and tip the pan from side to side to get the batter to spread out throughout the pan.

  4. Cook the Crepes

    Cook each side of the crepe for 30 seconds before gently loosening up the edges with a large spatula. If it lifts, then the crepe is ready to be flipped. If it doesn’t lift up very well, give it 10 to 15 more seconds and try again. Gently lift the crepe out of the pan, then flip it over into the pan and cook the other side for another 10 to 15 seconds; remove to cool.

  5. Whip the Cream

    Simply beat the heavy whipping cream with a hand mixer or stand mixer until soft peaks form. Add in the powdered sugar and vanilla, then beat until stiff peaks form.

  6. Garnish the Crepe

    Spread a layer of cream onto each crepe, add sliced strawberries, and then roll the crepes like you would a wrap.

  7. Serve Warm

    Serve the crepes warm.

I love this recipe for French Crepes, they came out perfect. Use any jam or marmalade to make a sweet treat that is limited only by your imagination.

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French Crepes Recipe

French Crepes

An easy crepe recipe with a thin, flexible texture and crispy edge like the authentic French crepe you will eat in France. 

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Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Course Breakfast
Cuisine French
Servings 8 servings
Calories 179 kcal


  • 1 Mixing Bowl
  • 1 Skillet
  • 1 Spatula


For the Crepes:

  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup butter melted
  • 2 1/2 tbsp sugar
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/8 cup water
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • tiny dash of salt

For the Filling:

  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 2-4 tbsp powdered sugar to taste
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • fresh strawberry slices


For the Crepes:

  • Whisk all the ingredients, except the flour, together. Add in the flour, a little bit at a time, whisking just until the flour has been mixed in.
    2 eggs, 1/4 cup butter, 2 1/2 tbsp sugar, 1/2 cup all-purpose flour, 1/2 cup milk, 1/8 cup water, 1/2 tsp vanilla, tiny dash of salt
  • Let the crepe batter rest for 10 minutes. Then, give the batter a quick whisk again before using.
  • Grease a non-stick, 6″ skillet with unsalted butter and heat over medium heat. Pour about 2-3 tablespoons worth of batter into the pan and tip the pan from side to side to get the batter to spread out throughout the pan.
  • Cook each side of the crepe for 30 seconds before gently loosening up the edges with a large spatula. If it lifts, then the crepe is ready to be flipped. If it doesn’t lift up very well, give it 10 to 15 more seconds and try again. Gently lift the crepe out of the pan, then flip over into the pan and cook the other side for another 10 to 15 seconds; remove to cool.

For the filling:

  • Simply beat the heavy whipping cream with a hand mixer or stand mixer until soft peaks form. Add in the powdered sugar and vanilla, then beat until stiff peaks form.
    1 cup heavy whipping cream, 2-4 tbsp powdered sugar, 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • Spread a layer of cream onto each crepe, add sliced strawberries, and then roll the crepe like you would a wrap.
    fresh strawberry slices
Keyword Crepes

Other Recipes That Go Well With French Crepes

Photo Credits

By The Barbarians Guide to Cooking – Copyright 2022 All rights reserved.
By Crêperie La Ville d’Ys –
By Trizek – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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